Arroz crema de setas (a Spanish mushroom risotto)
Posted: 24/11/2024
I've been in New York for just over a day now, and so far I have have incredibly bad with trying to get good value for my money when it comes to food. But nonetheless, one of the better things I have had so far was the arroz crema de setas in the Mercado Little Spain. Although it was pricy for the bowl it was definitely the best risotto (or risotto-like) dish I've had. Well, it puts whatever "risottos" I've been making at home to shame.
This recipe was originally found in Spanish on this page on I translated this by hand with the aid of a dictionary for some unfamiliar words as practice for my Spanish, please excuse any mistakes... I've included the Spanish version as well.
The ingredients
- One cup of rice
- 150g of mushrooms
- One onion
- 120ml of white wine (I don't usually have any so I use Chinese cooking wine...)
- One cube of meat stock
- 50ml of cream
- Grated parmesan cheese
- Olive oil
- Salt to taste
The process
- Peel and chop the onions.
- In a pot, add a little olive oil, and fry the onions until tender. Wash and cut the mushrooms and add them to the pot.
- Stop frying the pot for a moment and then pour the white wine and meat stock into the pot.
- After adding the wine to the pot, also add the rice. Put the heat on again and start adding water to the pot, a little bit at a time, especially as the rice absorbs the water. Salt to taste.
- When the rice has entirely cooked and is hardly liquid, add the cream and the grated parmesan cheese. Remove the pot from the flame slowly.
Garnish by sprinking a little bit of oregano over the plate to your liking.
The original recipe in Spanish
Este plato, está cocinado con una base de Arroces y pertenece a los platos de la cocina Tradicional. Por regla general se consume, principalmente, durante Todo el año, y se suele servir a los comensales como Primer plato.
Hoy vamos a preparar un plato de arroz muy suave y con una textura especial, acompañándolos con champiñones.
- vaso de arroz 1
- gr. de champiñones 150
- cebolla 1
- ml. de vino blanco 120
- pastilla de caldo de carne 1
- ml. de nata líquida 50
- queso parmesano rallado
- aceite de oliva
- sal al gusto
Así lo cocinamos
- Comenzamos pelando y picando la cebolla.
- En una olla con un poco de aceite de oliva, la vamos pochando hasta que quede tierna. Lavamos y cortamos los champiñones y los añadimos a la olla.
- Dejamos que se hagan un poco. Vertemos entonces el vino blanco y la pastilla de caldo de carne.
- Antes de que se consuma el vino, agregamos el arroz. Rehogamos unos minutos y vamos añadiendo agua, poco a poco, a medida que el arroz lo vaya necesitando. Salamos al gusto.
- Cuando el arroz esté casi listo y sin apenas líquido, vertemos la nata y el queso rallado al gusto. Removemos con el fuego muy lento y ¡listo!
Trucos y Consejos
Espolvorea un poco de orégano o alguna otra especia que te guste.